flyingwithadream SSMB God
Joined: 15 Sep 2003 Posts: 501
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:18 pm Post subject: Cardiff gig, 27th september 2003 |
Cardiff gig, 27th september 2003.
I got on the train in southend about 8:30 am and met my mom in London around 9:30. We started our journey and got to Cardiff Uni at noon. We finally found a place to park the car and went to the great hall where starsailor were gonna play later on. We stood around and I got talking to all the staff/ security guards. Once they heard how far I had travelled they kinda figured I was a "dedicated" fan. So anyway let me cut this short, this guy that was putting posters around to promote starsailor went to my mom and said "is this your daughter?" my mom nodded, and he asked "would she like to help me put these posters around, and when starsailor come to rehearse I might be able to get her in?" I heard this and walked towards him and accepted to help. So this guy, Chris, and me went around the student union and put up posters, he then took me up to this little place that had a window looking down the stage where starsailor were gonna perform, he also gave a whole bunch of posters. After that I actually went in the great hall and put some posters there, the other security guard who was very awesome said get up on the stage and let me take your picture, I did just that .
After me and my mom just sat around and just in a flash starsailor walked in and I hadn't even noticed till Stel looked around, and i just stood up and went towards James (who was walking in while holding his baby daughter) and said "hi" he walked a bit without saying anything then turned around and said "hey" with a smile. Then my mom was like "was that them?" and I’m like "yeah that was them". So starsailor started their rehearsal and the guard was like whispering to me "i might sneak you in" and as I went to say this to my mom i turned around and saw James coming, so i turned to him saying "oh, hi, um can I take a picture with you?" he just smiled and said "yeah" we took the picture and I said thanks, he smiled once again, said "it's okay" and went. After that they just kept coming and going, I asked the guard where do we have to line up and he just said as we've been waiting here all day they'll just put us at the front when people are going to be let in (which was just darn nice of him!).
They then began to block people coming in and telling them to go outside and line up, so it was just me and my mom sitting there waiting. I then saw starsailor's tour manager and went up to him:
"hi, sorry, don't want to take your time, but I’ve travelled all the way from southend and I’ve been waiting since this morning.."
*Laughs* "you lunatic...! But we love dedicated fans like you!"
Laughing " there any chance of getting a picture with the whole band?"
"uh, the whole band, i may not be able to get, but we will do something for you"
Security guard: "i can take her up there now"
"No, the guys are having their dinner now, but we'll do something for you"
"Okay, thank you"
(That’s a brief of the things said and its all I can remember)
Okay so we waited till the tour manager came awhile later and called me to come, i said "what about my mom, can she come....or..?" he said "yeah, she can come, she doesn't look that crazy!" , and then he says "the other guys are watching the rugby, so you can have a quick chat with James" so we went in the great hall and he took us to this door and said "what's your name?"
he knocks/ opens the door (to starsailor's dressing room) and says "James, Somayeh has been waiting for a long time" so i go in there and i'm like "hi" and i go stand next to him saying "lets take a picture, like..........again" he laughs and we take 2 pictures, i shake hands and say "nice to meet you" he pauses puts his oranges down (don't ask!) and takes my hand and says "you too".
We make our way out of there and wait till they were letting people in, the guy took us at the front of the queue and we were let in, we were of course front row, centre. This security guy jokes to another saying that I’ve been here since the morning causing nothing but trouble. Anyway the support band comes on and at the corner of the stage i saw James kinda standing there so my mom and me started waving and he nodded and smiled, acknowledging our waves. Bell X1, were pretty good, I hadn't heard their stuff before, but i liked it. So finally starsailor came on and put on one hell of a show! (It started REALLY rocking though, after "4 to the flour" ) During “tie up my hands” my mom had dropped the diet coke on the floor and as people were pushing me I was getting really hot and squashed, and because James kinda noticed that, when the lights went out I saw him bending down and passing me his water bottle, I grabbed it right before the lights came back on, and drank from it, this dude that was behind me, who had managed to see was like "hey, give us a sip of that!” (Which I didn’t).
They then went off the stage and while the crowd was chanting and clapping them back on, the guard come up to me and my mom and said for us to meet him at the corner after the show. So starsailor came back on and sang "fever” and ended the show with “good souls”. I managed to get a set list and a plectrum then we made our way towards where the guard was standing.
The guard told us that the lady that works with him had managed to get a poster signed especially for me. The lady handed me the poster I thanked her, and later on I asked the guard why he had only asked the woman to get it for me and no one else he replied "coz I think you deserve it", which was an awesome thing to say. These other staff that knew from the beginning of the day gave me 4 plectrums actually used by the band, and also another set list from the Cambridge gig they did.
To end it all as I was waiting outside I saw the tour manager again and thanked him and asked if I could one last thing, he said that James was in with his two ladies and I couldn’t go and say thank you for the water bottle, but he did take the bottle and my name and got James to sign it. I had told him to say thank you and he came back and told me “James said to say thank you for saying thank you”.
The tour manager said, “thanks for making an effort” we smiled and said goodbye.
I know the chances of the Cardiff staff reading this is pretty thin, but I wanted to just say a BIG thank to you for all the staff and security guys for being totally awesome, nice and generous. Also thanks to starsailor’s tour manager for sticking to his word, and to starsailor them selves.
Somayeh _________________ 15-9-03
27-05-04 |